Change for me means preparing for our sixth international move. We will move from Manila, Philippines to Kiev, Ukraine in June. I love the people and experiences we have had here, but I look forward to the opportunities that await us in Kiev. I am aware of the stages of transition by now. A few months before the move takes place, my emotions begin to experience the discomfort of the coming disconnect, goodbyes (which I never say, only until we meet again), packing and chaos stage until transition is complete in another part of the world. Fortunately, in the flat world of globalization, goodbyes are no longer necessary. It is possible to communicate through skype with a webcam, blogs, email, and jet off to revisit the places and people you have left. I am not envious of missionaries one hundred years ago who had to travel on long sea voyages and wait eons for cherished letters and packages from friends and family.
When you read books on transition, that period of holding your breath in mid-air like a trapeze artist who has let go of one ring, but has yet to grab hold of the next, is called the "chaos" stage. I would like to rename it or skip it entirely. Imagine for a moment, unless it has been all too real for you as it has been for me, in a matter of days arriving in a completely different part of the world knowing that you will stay, not only visit. Imagine the new sights and sounds, language in some cases, culture, home, people, everything changing so drastically and suddenly. Actually, it can be a wonderful experience and adventure when the constant, God, is with you.
Here are a few things that have helped me when I go through change or transition:
1. Find your sanctuary - Make a time and place to meet with God on a daily basis. I have made it a habit to read the Bible every day for twenty years, no matter what is going on all around me. I confess, some of my favorite sanctuaries are coffee shops. You can enter a Starbucks anywhere in the world and it is the same. It is an international zone, which makes me feel at home. In NYC, one of my favorite sanctuaries was the courtyard of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which was near our girls' school. What a privilege it is to live in such wonderful places!
2. Stay focused - Remember that God has a purpose in the change that is taking place and keep up with your family and life responsibilities.
3. Value your relationships - Spend time with family members or important people in your life in non-stressful settings.
4. Let go of the past - If God is doing something new, then take time to assess the past, keep the good that you have learned and leave excess baggage or bad experiences behind.
5. Keep a positive, thankful attitude - If you are like me, there is always a long list of things to be thankful for. Learn to have joy in the journey.
6. Give yourself and others room to adapt - Change is not easy, in most cases. Drink in the new experiences, but don't expect yourself to adapt instantly. There may be some unexpected emotions that come up or things to work through, but that is just part of the process.
"As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him." (Psalm 18:30)
And now, I pause for a commercial break. Here are a few of my favorite books on issues related to missions, transition and life in a flat world:
"Hudson Taylor: Growth of a Soul and Growth of a Work of God" (2 volumes)
by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. Not brief and amazing, but long and amazing. These books go into the hardships as well as the triumphs in how God prepared him and how the ministry grew in China. I read them twice, was challenged in my own walk with God and ministry to others, and cried often. I do not cry easily.
"The World is Flat"
by Thomas L. Friedman. On globalization, even the technical parts were interesting and fascinating because he is such a great author.
"The Third Culture Kid Experience"
by Dave Pollock and Ruth Van Reken. Essential if you are raising children in another culture. This book goes into the challenges and benefits of being a global nomad, giving practical advice for parents.
" What a privilege it is to live in such wonderful places!"-----i pray that me and my family will be able to say the same thing someday..after seeing many of the beautiful places that God has created.
This is your best blog so far! I am in Ukraine & Poland right now trying to make the way for our upcoming transition as smooth as possible. See you soon!
Thanks, good to know you think so since I wrote it spontaneously late at night in less than 10 minutes.
hi myra -- great blog and i know how you feel. i also am so grateful for modern technology. when i moved to japan, i was 21 yrs old and would phone home to my family in canada once a month. when i first moved to the philippines, i got a fax machine, and would fax letters once every 2 weeks to my dad. once email became widespread, that became my medium of choice. now i blog, "chat" and talk to my family on skype -- what a difference 20 yrs makes!!!
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