Monday, March 12, 2007

Manolo Blahnik, Nike or Flip Flops: the Need is the Same

All feet are created equal and if the proverbial shoe fits, wear it. People often look at the outward appearance and determine social status at a glance. We need to look past the external in order to see the heart. No matter how polished or disheveled a person may appear, the need for God is the same. (At the risk of losing male readers, Manolo Blahnik’s are coveted, expensive Italian shoes, often of the stiletto variety. I do not own a pair, nor is it likely that I will.)

I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life. Because I have lived in North America, Eastern Europe and Asia, it is a necessity and a way of life for me. I usually look for an inroad to connect with another person and encourage them. This sets the stage for developing a relationship. Once I get to know the person over time, the walls begin to come down and the story of their life emerges. The overwhelming reality is that every life is in need of God, whether they need to meet Him for the first time or grow in their relationship with Him. Everyone needs wisdom in dealing with life issues and relationships. Everyone needs someone to talk to.

When we lived in New York City for a year, I spoke with someone who insisted it was essential to wear the latest designer brands in order to reach New Yorkers. While I am not advocating looking like you just stepped out of a nineteenth century convent or monastery or are a candidate for the show “What Not to Wear”, people are relieved to meet a normal human being who is full of life and genuinely cares. You don’t have to be an expert in another person’s job or way of life in order to reach them and disciple them. You need to be someone who walks with God, knows the Bible and cares about people. Does that take the pressure off?

Learn to look at the heart.

Jesus is our example. He spoke to a despised Samaritan woman, tax gatherers, people of high position and low- people from all walks of life.

"For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God." (2 Corinthians 2:15-17)


Unknown said...

i'm showing this blog to my wife...just kidding,you didn't lose me with the shoes hahaha..This is a great blog Myra, it makes discipleship seem "evangelistic" meaning no hint of religiousity at all.Keep 'em coming please.

Myra Watkins said...

Thanks, it is nice to get feedback and know that I am connecting. My desire is to encourage and make truth relevant because I get a broad audience. Soon to come: encouragement from the life of Gideon, Winston Churchill and a Christian analogy on Rivendell and Mordor.

Anonymous said...

very nice. beautiful are the feet that carry Good News. those are you feet and i believe a pair of Manolos would suit you just fine! Praying your Father will get them to you.